Major Immigration News: Skilled Migrant & Parent Categories Reopen
Immigration Minister Michael Wood today announced significant changes that’ll help fill workforce shortages.
Skilled migrant category to reopen
The skilled migrant category reopens on 9 November 2022 with the current systems and processes in place. This means that Expressions Of Interest (EOIs) still need at least 160 points. From 18 January 2023, EOIs will need to have a minimum of 180 points.
A simplified process is to follow
The goal is to better align the immigration process with the needs of businesses. The Government is consulting on changes such as:
- Eliminating the planning range: all applications that meet the criteria will be processed. (In 2019, only 4% of applications were processed.)
- Simplifying the points system so it’s more transparent.
- Creating a faster route to residency for highly-skilled migrants, e.g. university lecturers or scientists with a PhD.
- Other professionals, such as teachers and registered tradespeople, will have a clear route to residency if they work in New Zealand for a period of time.
- No cap on the number of new residents through the skilled migrant category, provided they meet the skill and point thresholds.
Please contact us if you would like any advice in this area, or are looking to attract and employ migrants.
Parent visa category to reopen
This visa category reopens with immediate effect – and with more realistic requirements for sponsors.
Expressions of interest from the current queue will be drawn by ballot on 14 November 2022, for up to 2,000 visas a year. In the past, only 1,000 parent visas were granted each year – in 2023 that’ll increase to 2,500 visas a year.
The income threshold has been lowered for the parent visa category, and two adult children can together sponsor their parents. This comes into effect immediately. (Previously, just one adult child and their partner could be sponsors.)
Please contact VisaAide – our partner business – for any help with New Zealand (and Australian) visas.
What happens with existing Expressions of Interest?
Skilled migrant category EOIs
You can withdraw your EOI, but aren’t eligible for a refund if your EOI has already been selected. You need to complete a form to request a refund.
Parent category EOIs
You can withdraw or update your EOI – and if you withdraw it, you can request a refund of your fees.