Contact RecruitNZ

Recruitment consultancy in Warkworth, North Auckland

RecruitNZ is a recruitment consultancy partnering with employers throughout New Zealand from our headquarters in Warkworth, North Auckland. 

Specialising in recruiting permanent and long-term contract blue collar and white collar roles at all levels in a wide range of industries.

Together with People Inc partners, RecruitNZ offers a complete end-to-end overseas recruitment service of skilled migrants, including employer accreditation, job checks, visa applications, and pastoral care.

Contact our recruitment consultancy via phone, email, or the contact form below. You can expect to hear from us within one business day.

Warkworth Office

52 Queen Street Warkworth Auckland 0910 New Zealand

Phone: (09) 280 3977
Office hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm,
Monday to Friday