
Performance reviews turbo charge staff productivity

How to turbo charge staff productivity and motivation with performance reviews

Have you ever driven a car with an innocent-looking button near the gear shift, labelled ‘Sport’ – or maybe just an ‘S’?

Out of curiosity, you pressed the button… and whoosh! The throttle’s more responsive; the gear changes racier; the suspension stiffens to improve handling.

In other words, you’ve just unleashed a whole lot of extra power – and very easily, too.

Do you ever wish you could turbo charge your business the same way?

You can indeed turbo charge your business. Just like it’s the fuel that powers your car, it’s your employees that power your business.

And the way you turbo-charge your team is with Performance Reviews.

But I thought that Performance Reviews were just a dull form-filling exercise?

If you think that Performance and Development Reviews are just a boring ol’ form-filling exercise, you’re doing it all wrong.

A good Performance Review should motivate your staff to work at their maximum levels, so they’re motivated, efficient, consistent, professional and contributing to meet your business goals whilst avoiding wasting precious time and money.

How can a Performance Review get that kind of Turbo boost?

A well thought out Performance and Development Review will initiate a two-way discussion around:

  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Attention to detail
  • Business efficiencies
  • Commitment
  • Communicating effectively
  • Decision making
  • Initiative
  • Motivating self
  • Personal presentation
  • Planning and organisation
  • Quality and consistency of work
  • Quantity and speed of work
  • Self control and independent work
  • Specific role-based competencies, e.g. skills in the tools and equipment they use, work processes, and so on.

You can probably see how an honest, two-way discussion around these points can get your team to perform better… and especially so if they know that the ‘grades’ they receive feed into their Pay Review.

And that’s not all… there’s more to the Performance Review than that.

Remember, it’s a frank, two-way discussion, so the employee has an opportunity to give feedback to your company. This feedback is structured feedback on specific points, which includes their thoughts on their role, team, customer service, management skills, and more.

Staff often have great ideas on how to sell more or save more – this is your opportunity to get that valuable information.

The feedback will also reveal employees’ career and professional development aspirations. Knowing where they’re headed could be very beneficial for your company in future. So part of the Performance Review identifies training requirements. These training requirements are to help employees perform better in their current roles, but if you cast an eye towards their future aspirations it can unleash a massive amount of extra motivation in your team. After all, most of us want satisfaction at work, and that goes far beyond simply earning money.

Is there anything else I need to know about Performance Reviews?  

If you want Performance Reviews to bring you the benefits outlined in this article, there are three very important things you need to have:

  1. A good attitude: If you treat Performance Reviews as a dull, form filling exercise, your employees will pick up on that and treat it with the same lack of enthusiasm. You have to be enthusiastic, positive, open and professional.
  2. Good HR systems and documentation: Well-developed performance review documentation is the backbone of the exercise. It means that the discussion is structured and objective, rather than meandering and subjective or personal. What’s more, the documentation must be tailored to the roles you’re reviewing: you can’t use exactly the same form for a Welder than for your Receptionist.
  3. Consistency: Carrying out Performance Reviews regularly is a must. Some companies do them twice a year, but for companies in high-growth mode it’s better to do them quarterly. That allows the reviews to keep up with business changes, and keeps on top of staff morale, too. Whatever frequency you choose, you need to implement the reviews like clockwork; again, it comes round to having the right attitude and demonstrating commitment to the process. In other words, if you want your team to be motivated, do good work, etc.… you need to lead by example.
  4. Follow through: If you’ve indicated that the Performance Review will feed into pay reviews, you need to follow through with that – and promptly. Likewise, if you’ve promised training, you need to start organising this. If you don’t follow through with what’s been discussed, you can actually lose credibility and motivation may drop back. So be ready to follow through, and get your business on Turbo.

Next step: Get help with Performance Review documents and systems  

Do you need help with creating Performance Review documentation? Or do you want some training on how to actually conduct your staff reviews?

Recruit NZ can help: contact us for HR and Recruitment consultancy

Call 09 280 3977 or email to turbo charge your team today!

Performance Reviews can help to turbo charge your business! Here’s how to do it.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.

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