
Your HR checklist for 2016: reach your goals

WOW - it's November already so I ought I would find out what you have planned.

When I say the words 'business planning' some of you may cringe, some of you may tell yourselves that there is plenty of time - no rush you'll say! Hey it's too early to think about planning for 2016 you'll say... it's months away!!

Am I right ...? The things we tell ourselves when we don't know where to start!

Hey it's all good, don't cringe - we are here to help you! We have a wealth of knowledge and experience that will help make your business planning a stress free experience!

So come on ... have us help with your planning so you can spend more time doing the things you want to be doing!!

Here’s a checklist to help you with the HR planning. We find that so often business owners set sales goals, expenditure budgets and marketing plans – but forget about the HR side of things. And after all, if you don’t have enough people (or the right people), you’ll struggle to achieve the rest of your business goals.

Here's a HR checklist for 2016:

  • Sales targets and KPIs: If you’re setting sales targets (and you should!), these need to translate directly into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each of your sales people. That way, they know exactly what’s required of them. Involve your team in setting the KPIs; make sure the KPIs are SMART; and tie in with the company goals for the year.
  • Staffing needs: When you’re setting individual KPIs for your sales team, you might realise that perhaps the target sales numbers are rather high and unachievable. If that’s the case, you need to look at your staffing needs. It’s better to do this now, rather than wait too long and fall behind your plans.
  • Accountability sheets: Once you’ve set the KPIs, you need to keep monitoring your team. One of the ways to do this is through accountability sheets. These are filled out by your staff member each week prior to the one-to-one meeting with their manager and it provides a talking point and a clear overview of their actual “activity” for the week prior. Taking the data off this and loading into an excel graph is a great visual tool for providing feedback.
  • Weekly one-to-one meetings: The weekly team meetings are great, but there will be certain issues that aren’t appropriate for all to hear. That’s why you need to spend a bit of time with every employee each week. It doesn’t need to be a long, formal meeting – just the right amount of time for them to mention any issues, and for you to respond. Imagine you’re coaching the All Blacks: the coach spends time with individual players working on individual skills, as well as working with the team as a whole. You need to do the same for your team.
  • Weekly team meetings: As the business leader or manager, it’s your job to guide your team; keep motivating them; direct them; and resolve any issues. The only way to do that is with weekly team meetings. Trust us, meeting less often just doesn’t work. Imagine you’re leading the All Blacks: does the coach work with them constantly, or just before each game? Or each season? Imagine your employees are the All Blacks, and that it’s your job to coach them to success.
  • Training budgets and training plans: Let’s face it; even the All Blacks need to lift their game sometimes! Likewise, your team will need help improving their skills, too. And everyone will have different needs: some people might need a boost with negotiating skills. Others might need a hand with time management. If you want to get the best out of your team, you need to help them where they need help. So it’s important to create a training plan for each individual, and include it in your budget. It won’t happen by itself!
  • Succession plans: You may remember that Graham Henry retired back in 2011, and Steve Hansen took on the role of coach to the All Blacks. That was no accident; Graham Henry began mentoring Steve Hansen as far back as 2004. And as for Steve will have a succession plan in place too! So ensure continued success in your business too, and have a succession plan in place sooner rather than later. Don't leave it till it's too late.

You do have all of these in place in your business - right? You do have your planning sorted - right?

Not sure ... maybe you just need a bit of help?

If you’re not sure how to approach some of these HR planning tasks, or you need some guidance in figuring out your approach, Recruit NZ is here to help you. As your strategic HR and recruitment partner we’re here to help guide you through all the nitty gritty tasks involved in managing your team. We will help you to coach your team – and your business – to success, so that 2016 is a winning year for you.

Next step: Get coaching and hands-on help with your HR for 2016

Just give us a call on 09 280 3977, or email with any recruitment or HR questions and queries. It’ll be great to hear from you!

PS. If you’re wondering if Recruit NZ is reputable, we’ve worked with household names such as Konica Minolta, PlaceMakers, Mitre 10, Bunnings, LJ Hooker Real Estate, and more.

Here’s what they’re saying about us.

PPS. Would you like some HR and Recruitment training? Get 50% off with NZTE

Recruit NZ is an accredited NZTE training provider, which means you can get 50% off your training with us.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.

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