
Easter and Anzac Day – 2013 Public Holiday information

Easter and Anzac Day - 2013 Public Holiday information

Easter is just around the corner so some important days for Employers to note on their calendar are:

  • Good Friday - Friday 29 March 2013
  • Easter Monday - Monday 1 April 2013
  • ANZAC Day - Thursday 25 April 2013

ANZAC Day and Good Friday 

ANZAC Day and Good Friday are public holidays and they are also subject to restricted trading. If your employees work on any part of the day they will be entitled to the time and a payment for the time worked on the public holiday.

Also, as with any public holiday if the day falls on otherwise a working day for the employee and they work on the day they will also be entitled to an alternative holiday.

Easter Sunday

This day is not a public holiday and must be treated like any other Sunday. It is however one of the days when shop trading legislation requires most shops to close.

Who is entitled to paid public holidays?

All employees that would normally work on the public holiday day are entitled to a paid public holiday or an alternative holiday if they do actually work that day.

How do you know who is entitled to this?

If the employee would typically work on the day in which the public holiday falls on they are then entitled to it. Otherwise, ask the question "If it wasn't for the public holiday on xx day, would the employee normally be working?".

If it is still unclear you should consider the following that will allow you to reach an agreement:

  • Review the employees rosters- have they typically worked on these days?
  • What is in their Individual Employment Agreement regarding public holidays?
  • What are their work patterns?
  • The reasonable expectations of the employer and employee as to whether the employee would work on the day concerned.
  • Does the employee only work when work is actually available?

Can the public holiday be transferred to another day?

The Holiday Act now allows employers and employees to agree in writing if they wish to transfer a public holiday to another 24 hour period. It can be transferred by a few hours to enable it to match shift arrangements or it can be transferred to a different day.

For further information transferring public holidays please go to:


For extra assistance on the matter there is further information on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website: http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/holidaysandleave/publicholidays/index.asp

Please note that the above information is a guide only and it should not be substituted for professional advice.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.

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